Who We Are

Service Charge Associates has extensive experience advising on service charge matters. Our professional staff are technically qualified in their sphere of expertise encompassing Mechanical & Electrical (M&E), Lifts, Building Surveying and Facilities Management.

•We analyse service charges with a technical, forensic and pragmatic approach ensuring landlords and tenants get a fair deal.

•We build close working relationships with clients and agents ensuring key objectives are understood and met.  

•We review service provision and advise on best value together with best management practices.

•We aim to ensure that cost recovery is reasonable and that value for money services are provided.  

•We assess lease and RICS Code compliance to check that the highest standards are followed.

•We are experienced in reading leases and are well versed in case law to determine service charge recovery.

•We are regulated by the RICS to ensure peace of mind for our clients that high standards are achieved.


Over many years, numerous clients have benefitted from considerable savings achieved by the directors of Service Charge Associates.  We have a thorough and determined commitment to find innovative and cost effective solutions.


Bringing together these skills and expertise, Service Charge Associates provides unrivalled service charge and property advice.

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